Saturday, August 31, 2019

Stock Market Crash

Women in the 1920’s A new era evolved in the 1920’s, a new style of women emerged with it. In the â€Å"Roaring Twenties† many women converted their lifestyle of being home makers who were in charge of cooking, cleaning and taking care of the children to women with short dresses, bob cut hair doos, a cigarette in her mouth and a drink in her hand. This new style of women who emerged with an older prositional style of dress became known as flappers. These women not only changed their appearance and mind set but brought changes to society, the economy, and the role of a typically women.In the rebellious era of the 1920’s some young women began to declare their independence from the male figures in their life, these women were known as the flappers. A flapper was an emancipated young woman who embraced the new fashions and urban attitudes of the day. (McDougal 2003) Women in years before were very conservative, wearing ankle-length dresses, following orders f rom men, and their only job would be house cleaning and taking care of the children. These standards were not those of a flapper, flappers wanted to be viewed as equal to men.Flappers did this by shortening their skirts to 1 inch above the knee, cutting their hair into bob cuts, smoke and drinking in public, talking openly about sex, swearing, binding their bodies to appear thinner, and buying make up. By wearing lipstick, rouge, and eye shadow, flappers resembled prostitutes to an older generation (Parker). Against many people’s views at the time, the flappers did not do all these crazy thing in order to get attention but to prove a point that women are just as free as men and want to be treated as such. â€Å"It is an injustice to both parents and child to bring an unwelcome baby into the world. (Dearborn, 88) This is the views many women had during the 1920’s, before it was socially accepted to use birth control. In decades before 1920 the birth rate had begun to d ecline but in the 1920’s the number of child being born dropped drastically due to the use of contraceptives and information of birth control. This decline was an after mass of Margaret Sanger opening the first birth control clinic in the United States and founding the American Birth Control League in 1921. (McDougal 2003) With birth control becoming socially accepted, women in the 1920’s took one more tep forward by going against the norm and began dating. Before when women were beginning to have the mindset of marriage they were â€Å"courted† by men, this means that men only pursued women they intended on marrying. When women began dating this opened the door for more sexual freedom to both men and women which was social unaccepted and unheard of by many people of the older generations which then caused chaos within the home life of the young flapper women. New opportunities arose for women in the 1920’s when women decided to leave the home maker posit ion and step out into the real world by getting a paying job.The ambitious women who went against the odds to go look for a job would get positions such as teachers, nurses, librarians, typists, clerks, and secretaries. By the end of the decade almost 10 million women were earning wages. This outraged men by making them believe that women would begin getting jobs over the men. Though women did not earn nearly as much as men during that time period, it was a big step in history for women to leave the home and start the evolution of working for money.

Friday, August 30, 2019

“Globalization” or “inter-nationalization” Essay

‘Whether we call it â€Å"globalization† or â€Å"inter-nationalization†, very few people, organizations or states stand to benefit’ To what extent do you agree with this statement? Globalization is without doubt it is a â€Å"buzz† word of the time – it is a word that seems to be constantly mentioned in the news on the television or radio. But what does living in a â€Å"globalized† world really mean? As a starting point this essay will attempt to interpret its meaning by applying four main theories and using these theories to discuss the impact of globalization on individuals, organisations and states. It will go on to explore three different perspectives on global change and how each perspective might view its effects including identifying possible weaknesses in their arguments. This will enable a decision to be made as to what extent the question â€Å"whether we call it â€Å"globalization† or â€Å"inter-nationalization†, very few people, organisations or states stand to benefit can be agreed with. Globalization can be characterized by four distinctive features. First it involves a stretching of social, political and economic activities across nation-state boundaries. What is happening on what might be geographically the other side of the world, affects the other and specific local developments can have considerable global consequences. Examples of this would be global climate change, environmental issues such as pollution into the atmosphere and oceans, poverty etc. We are all losers in terms of global problems such as pollution – acid rain, toxic waste etc and it extremely daunting to think that we are totally limitless in our control of them. For example, in April 1986 an accident occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear power station in the USSR. This caused a cloud carrying radioactive particles to hit Britain. Ten years on, as a result of the fall-out, 70,000 sheep in Cumbria remained contaminated (Cochrane, A. and Pain, K. (2004), p.18). Second, it is marked by the intensification of flows of trade. Technological developments have accelerated over the past 20 years – the introduction of mobile phones, the internet, satellite television means that communication across the planet is virtually instantaneous. There are hundreds of satellites floating above the earth, each one carrying a huge amount of information. Physical distance is no longer an issue – we are being brought much closer to news/issues/events from around the world – this could be seen as good or bad although for the ones that have it, access to much more information has to be a good thing. Losers would undoubtedly be people without internet access and organisations with a less developed communication infrastructure. The way people work is changing – working from home is now much more viable and this has to be a good thing for individuals and companies because it provides more flexibility all round. Third, it can be linked to increasing interpenetration or the bringing together distant cultures and societies face to face with each other at local level, good examples of this would be Microsoft, Coca Cola, McDonalds and Starbucks. This could be seen as good or bad, many people don’t like the fact that these huge companies put smaller privately owned companies out of business and that everything is becoming so uniformed – local places with â€Å"character† are being lost. Global trade on the whole is increasing which may mean more jobs, better employment prospects for some but on the down sound it may also mean many home communities are devastated when local companies are bought out by multinational ones that cut wages and benefits and/or moves production overseas. This could lead to the inequality gap widening further which will ultimately cause conflict and potentially from this point of view we are all losers here too. And forth, the development of a global infrastructure – the authority of nations is territorially bound therefore international organisations such as The United Nationals, The World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organisation all play a part in regulating and governing the global system and are new forms of agency brought about because of globalization. It could be argued that in this borderless economy, nation states have no option but to accommodate global market forces due to their power, limiting their options. Furthermore, a growth in international trade (often due to lower trade barriers) will encourage more competition. This could be seen as having winners and losers but reducing trade barriers in particular may reduce the role of governments which, in turn, could encourage corruption. There is no doubt that many developing countries have increased their share of world trade as a result of globalization although this may be at the detriment of the poorer countries. There are three positions which all have a different perspective on the term globalization; these are the globalist, inter-nationalist and transformationalist and all three have strengths and weaknesses to their arguments. Globalists on the whole see Globalisation as something that is real and is happening – that changes are happening socially and economically and that it is an inevitable, irreversible development that should not be resisted. But globalists themselves fall into two categories – optimistic/positive globalists and pessimistic globalists. Optimistic/positive Globalists view it as a process that is beneficial. They would probably disagree with the statement that very few people, organizations or states stand to benefit because they welcome the changes that it brings such as improvement on the quality of life, raising living standards and the bringing together of societies and cultures – promoting a better understanding of each other. They acknowledge that globalisation is not all good news, that with it issues such as global environmental pollution, for example, but want citizens to take responsibility for their actions, to look for ways of minimising the damage through their own actions and through the use of new technologies. They may have overlooked however, that local Governments/authorities may be limited in their actions in relation to worldwide/global issues and that globalization is certainly not developing in an even handed way. In Tony Gidden’s Reith Lecture he quotes â€Å"Globalisation some argue creates a world of winners and losers, a few on the fast track to prosperity, the majority condemned to a life of misery and despair and indeed the statistics are daunting. The share of the poorest 5th of the world’s population in global income has dropped from 2.3% to 1.4% over the past 10 years. The proportion taken by the richest 5th on the other hand has risen† (Tony Gidden Reith Lecture â€Å"Runaway World† 1999). Pessimistic globalists regard it with hostility, believing that it increases inequality between nations, threatens employment and hinders social progress. Moreover they believe that globalization is making the world become more homogeneous with the demise of sovereignty and national identities as well as the demise of politicians’ capabilities to influence events. A pessimistic view would probably be that only the giant multi-national companies (usually American) stand to benefit since the US has a dominant economic, cultural and military position in the global scheme of things. They would probably view globalization as nothing more than corporate hegemony and would definitely agree with the statement about very few people, organizations or states benefiting. A weakness of the pessimistic globalist view is that they don’t seem to have a clear solution to the problem, it’s like they want to â€Å"reverse time† and go back to how it was. They undermine the e xisting structure but have no idea about any clear alternatives. According to the inter-nationalists all the talk about globalization is exactly that – just talk. They believe that the world carries on much the same as it ever did that it isn’t especially different from that which existed in previous periods and that increases in global trade across the world is just progression based on world trading links that have been established for many years – a continuation of the past. They argue that a good deal of economic exchange is between regions rather than being truly worldwide, for example countries of the European Union mostly trade among themselves. This whole view seems unrealistic. World financial flows have grown exponentially since the 1970’s and advances in technology have undoubtedly helped with transactions becoming instantaneous with 24 hour global financial markets. International trade has also grown to unprecedented levels and involves a much wider range of goods and services. As a result a weakness of theirs would be that underestimate the power of nation states and possibly put too much faith in the capabilities of national governments. The third – transformationslists – is somewhere in between the two. They believe that something is happening, that changes are taking place and that the effects of globalisation should not be underestimated. Unlike the globalists they believe that nothing is pre-determined or inevitable and that national, local and other agencies still have room for manoeuvre and that maybe new solutions may have to be found. A strength of the transformationalist is that they see sovereignty as having to be shared among other private and public agencies. They would probably sit on the fence as to whether people, organizations or states stand to benefit from globalization. Some people do benefit, some don’t. Some organisations benefit, some don’t, and so on. It might depend on who you are, what you are, where you live etc. A weakness of the transformationalist would be that they are somewhat blinded by the scale of global inequalities that are developing as a result of rationalisation as they tend to have more of a â€Å"regional† focus. The word â€Å"globalization† seems to have come from no where to be almost everywhere. Globalisation is political, technological, cultural and economic, it affects everyone and its effects can be seen everywhere. There are winners and losers but with reference to the original question in the introductory paragraph personally it would have to be a disagreement with this statement. Globalization is not something that should be shirked but the challenges it presents need to be controlled because it is now part of the way we live and it’s not going to go away. Metaphorically speaking it may mean a shrinking world but it is creating something that has never existed before and it is without doubt changing our world, for better or worse, no matter where or whom we happen to be. References Cochrane, A. and Pain, K, ‘A globalizing society’ in Held, D. (ed) (2004) Gidden Reith, A. Lecture â€Å"Runaway World† (1999) Held, D. â€Å"A globalizing world? Culture, economics, politics†, London, Routledge/The Open University

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Healthcare Consent legislation Essay

Healthcare Consent legislation applies to everyone above the age of 18 (some places 16) and has the following rights (Ref 1) 1)The right to give or refuse consent 2)The right to choose a particular form of healthcare on any grounds including moral or religious grounds 3)The right to revoke consent 4)The right to expect that a decision to give, refuse or revoke consent will be respected 5) The right to be involved to the greatest degree possible in all case planning and decision making Mostly all nursing actions are an invasion of a person’s privacy and giving consent is carried out by going into the hospital or being treated at home. So one can say that consent is based on the principle of respect for a fellow human being. (Ref 1,2) This legislation tells me that all patients and clients have a right to receive information about their condition. As a nurse I should be sensitive to their needs and respect the wishes of those who refuse or are unable to receive such information. (Ref 1,2) For instance, there may be a language barrier and I should not just go about reading the consent form in English, rather I should arrange for a interpreter or find a nurse who speaks the clients language. I also respect their decision of autonomy-their decision to accept or decline any health intervention even if a refusal means loss of life, example Jehovah s witness refusing blood transfusion. The client will now have alternate options given by the Health Care Providers. Informed consent is obtained by a legally competent person, who voluntarily accepts or declines the consent after being informed of the treatment including side effects, adverse effects.(Ref 1,2) Many people are frightened by unfamiliar medical procedures and interventions and may thus want to back off from any treatment. This decision should be respected, and the client should not be forced into taking any of these medication or treatment. Rather the nurse can educate them to the best of her education and training if the client wants to know about it. Historically dating back to 1914, it was Justice Cardoza who changed the concept of research ethics involving human beings. The foundation of modern day informed consent is based on his statement â€Å"Every human being of adult years and sound mind has a right to determine what should be done with his (or her) own body.†(3) There were many historical events that lead to present day consent acts. Some of them were as follows (ref #3) 1) Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in Black  Men (1932-1973) 2) The Nuremberg Code as a result of the Nazi Medical Experiment during World War II (1947) 3) The Thalidomide experiment that resulted in birth defects (1950) 4) The declaration of Helsinki (1964) I feel these events all had a big role in shaping modern day HCCA and Consent legislature.Previously, a simple consent question would be â€Å"did the patient agree to surgery?† (Ref 2), which now has evolved into â€Å"Did the physician provide the patient with adequate amount of information for the patient to consent?† This newer version of the legislation allows the nurse to participate in proper advocacy so as to promote patient autonomy in self-determination. Initially informed consent meant saying â€Å"YES† to any treatment or intervention laid out by the physician and advocated by a nurse (Ref 1). Now informed consent means being able to say â€Å"NO† and this in itself is a part of exercising ones autonomy.(Ref2)Nurses should practice with the knowledge that clients must consent to be touched ,to have treatments administered , to undergo surgery, for bathing, positioning, taking vital signs, physical assessment ,changing dressings, venipuncture,wo und irrigation, catheter insertion just to name a few. If a patient or client is not capable of giving consent then besides the HCCA (1996) Ontario does have the Substitute Decision Act(1992) SDA . This act allows a substitute decision maker –a spouse, a relative, a parent and in the absence of these someone can be appointed by legal authority if the patient has not indicated otherwise. In emergencies where the priority is preservation of life, a nurse or HCP can provide care to the patient or client without their consent if they are incapacitated, provided it is demonstrated that this action was carried out in the best interest of the patient or client.(Ref 1) In conclusion, I can say that nurses are patient advocates and an essential member of the healthcare team contributing meaningfully to the informed consent process. There are many barriers to the HCCA especially in terms of informed consent, but the well informed and knowledgeable nurse is competent enough to have a thorough understanding of her clients’ needs. She being the clients best advocate will implement the informed consent procedure so as to maintain the clients’ autonomousity so that he or she can maintain their self-determination. This legislation has allowed nurses to be accountable for the best interest of the client and  carry out their role as a client advocate.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Effective teamwork Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Effective teamwork - Essay Example Organizations all over the world are looking for new work structures or forms and concepts so that they can comply with their internal and external demands, and this puts them an edge over their competitors (Rosenhauer, 2009). For this reason, teams have become an integral tool in many organizations for the purpose of management to ensure that the external and internal demands are met. Despite the fact that not all teams will work well, they are known to harness the collective energy of all members and there needs to be proper strategies to be followed to ensure that teams are effective. Teams refer to a group of individuals who have complementary skills and committed to a common goal, which they will be mutually accountable to ensure its success. Team members will come up with a distinct identity the work together by supporting each other to ensure that they achieve their set objective. Accomplishing a task is the extent, to which a team’s effectiveness is determined, and tea ms achieve this because working together and combining the different expertise goes a long way in ensuring success of any endeavor. Successful teams will be determined by the levels team spirit, which ensure trust, respect for one another, helping each other and being collaborative (West, 2004). Bringing people together does not necessarily mean that they will work effectively as a team and make the right decisions. People in a team will come from different backgrounds, and this can be a plus or a minus depending on how the team members relate, and this means that teams can either help or frustrate the emotional or social needs of members, which determines the effectiveness of the team. Team indifference results as a product of failing to enhance good teamwork, which is likely to result to poor performance. Effective teamwork will require certain measures put in place to ensure that people who are put together work collaboratively to achieve the set ends. Resources are an important success factor for a team and forming a team whose resources, task and membership matches is paramount when considering forming a team. This is because lack of resources may result to scramble of the available ones, which may cause stifles in the workforce. Good leadership is also paramount to the success of any team as the leader will coordinate the activities of the team to ensure that all members accomplish their tasks to ensure that there are no delays in delivery of the products (West, 2004). Team member commitment plays an integral part as no member will want to work more than the other members. Members should identify with their goals and ensure that they have achieved their task, which eliminates the chances of certain members feeling that they are overworked. Developing team goals plays an important role in ensuring that the members have focus on the ends that they are supposed to meet and this gives them a shared vision, which will motivate them as they want to achieve the set goal by the allocated time. Common ownership and joint responsibility is the other determining factor of an effective team as this will ensure that team members are in unison and are determined to achieve the set

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Therapy Dog Visits Cancer Patients at Cone Health Assignment

Therapy Dog Visits Cancer Patients at Cone Health - Assignment Example The patients have the opportunity to hold the dog, which reminds her of her dog pet that she left at home. Animal-therapy is a topic that has gained a lot of attention within the contemporary topic about the human-animal relationship and how each party can benefit. This news item shows how close human beings and animals can be and how the two species can mutually benefit from one another. The reason I picked this article is its implication to the hope of reviving the bond between human beings and animals. As more people find consolation in their domestic animals, it becomes clear that it is possible to form even close bonds that will uphold the dignity of both animals and human beings. This brings a completely new image different from one created by the use of animals as test species that researchers use to develop a cure for the human ailment. Earlier on, medical experts have used animals to test for experimental drugs, leading to the death of many animals. This article is linked to the idea of bringing animals and human beings close, an important topic in the contemporary studies.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Strategic Management - Strategic Audit Format Essay

Strategic Management - Strategic Audit Format - Essay Example In other words, the computing sector is infinitely dependent on industrial growth. However, a contradiction arises as resources are not infinite in nature. There are also several sustainability issues which have always been a challenge for this industry. 3. Scarcity of fossil fuel: The computer industry relies on low-priced energy. Cheap energy sources generally come from fossil fuel. The scarcity of fossil fuel has always been a concern for the industry as availability of energy sources to power devices at reasonable price is vital. 4. Environmental Issues: The computer industry is one of the main reasons for the growing pollution in the developing nations. A huge amount of waste is generated and there have been challenges associated with the recycling and reduction of waste. Manufacturing of computers also involve the use of hazardous chemicals like lead and mercury which pollutes the environment. 1. Maintenance of confidentiality – Protection of privacy of the users has to be ensured by the computer industry. This is a major challenge for this industry as, with the increased linkages between network connections, it is important that computers are supported with tools that help to maintain privacy of the users. There are threats that arise from virus and malevolent software. Increased use of the internet has aggravated such threats. The industry needs to give protection against malwares which pose a threat during the use of confidential information over the net. 2. Technically support the customers – The computer industry not only needs to concentrate on manufacturing of computer hardware but also needs to ensure that all further technical difficulties faced by the customers are looked into and proper solutions are provided. There has to be a continuous link with the customers so that support and assistance can be provided at odd hours. This is a major challenge for the computer industry. 3.

THE VERMONT COMPANY Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

THE VERMONT COMPANY - Assignment Example Comparing the industry’s financial ratios with the ratios of Vermont Company reveal similarities hence an implication that the company is doing fairly with respect to the industry’s current situation. The accountant is therefore not justifiably concerned. Should the bank call or demand immediate repayment of the loan, then the Vermont Company has the option of taking a short borrowing from another bank or selling more shares in the market to increase the share capital of the company. g. Assuming that instead of disposable paper and plastic products that the business sells automobiles to individuals, this change in the industry would alter my recommendations. This is because different industries are affected by different factors and economic situations. Therefore, considering the fact that the disposable paper and plastic products industry is very different from the automobiles industry, the recommendations would definitely

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Macroeconomics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4

Macroeconomics - Assignment Example The government therefore has to increase their purchases of these products to the same amount as that planned for reduction in the investment spending. c. A change in taxes can produce the same result. This is because taxes affect the production of companies. When taxes are reduced, companies can use that money elsewhere such as for investment purposes, they will also be motivated to increase their production as they will be paying lower taxes. d. In a balanced budget economy law makers have to be very keen on the fiscal policies that they put in place so as to restore the economy to full employment. The most feasible way this can be done is by taking of loans to invest in other areas that will be repaid over time. The blue line in the graph represents the total demand. The red line in the graph represents the total supply of goods and services. The black line represents the economy’s capacity in the long run. The equilibrium where they intersect is the potential output. a) When people buy goods and services using money the money is handed over to the stores who in turn pay their suppliers. The money circulates in the economy and is used by various people. The money supply is therefore maintained. When people use credit banks to pay for their shopping, there is no money that exchanges hands. This leads to a decrease in the money supply in the economy. b) To reduce money supply the bank should increase lending rates. Higher rates mean that fewer people will be willing to borrow money from the bank and over time, there will be a decrease in the money supply within the economy. A. i) The purchasing power parity theory is concerned with the exchange rates (Blaug, 2006). Therates of exchange between two currencies are at equilibrium as long as their domestic purchasing power at a given exchange rate is equal. In this case, Gold should cost the same in both Mexico and U.S after taking into account the interest

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Data design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Data design - Essay Example sequences that are to be integrated into the system should be turned into separate sequences in order to ease the procedure of processing information (Terry Halpin, Tony Morgan, Morgan Kaufmann Information Modeling and Relational Databases, Second Edition, March 2008. page 134). c. Feedback: The system should have the capability to provide feedback which is articulate, informative and semantically correct. This will ensure that the information displayed on the user and the client side is reliable and correctly understood (Terry Halpin, Tony Morgan, Morgan Kaufmann Information Modeling and Relational Databases, Second Edition, March 2008 page. 136). d. System messages: The system should be able to provide user centered messages like error messages. (Terry Halpin, Tony Morgan, Morgan Kaufmann Information Modeling and Relational Databases, Second Edition, March 2008 page 139). The system should also avoid using threatening messages or alarming messages. e. Display: The display between screens should be consistent and must show some degree of inertia. Unnecessary information should be avoided since they will be of no use and the interface should use easily recognizable icons. (Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant Navathe, Addison-Wesley Fundamentals of Database Systems (6th Edition), April 2010. Page

Friday, August 23, 2019

Performance Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Performance Management - Research Paper Example The key behaviors that are important for the better job performance are: Effective communication: For retail sales associates, it is necessary to convey complete information and express facts and thoughts in a clear manner. Listen and understand actively to every situation in order to respond creatively. It is essential to adjust communication style according to customers and situations. Create good relationships with customers so that they do not feel reluctant to repeat the store anytime. Inclusiveness: Interact suitably with team, business partners, employees, community and customers without considering individual traits. Make a personal commitment to build an ever welcoming and friendly environment in the store. Ethical and tidy appearance: To gain the customers’ trust, create an environment that respects an individual and their perceptions. Treat and welcome customers with respect and dignity and demonstrate the importance of customers’ need by resolving their issues related to product or store. Tidy appearance is as importance as ethics. Untidiness in representatives’ appearance or store can cause customers to avoid enter in the store. Behaviorally-Anchored Rating Scales (BARS): This evaluation scale appraises the employees on various performance dimensions. BARS involve six or seven performance measurements that are anchored by a multi-point scale. For example, rating specific job performance with different employees’ behavior like poor, normal, or outstanding behaviors, that are relevant to specific job (Kane, Bernardin and Wiatrowski, 2013). Behavior Observation Scale (BOS): This scale enlists the behaviors that are required to perform a specific job successfully. These behaviors are measured based on the rate of recurrences of behaviors. It relates the job performance with the behavior by identifying frequency of employee engagement in

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Intercultural Relations Essay Example for Free

Intercultural Relations Essay Question: There is no need to study intercultural relation. Discuss Communication occurs between individuals who have varying degree of intimacy within each other. Intercultural relations capability is the degree to which people effectively adapt his/her nonverbal and verbal messages to the appropriate cultural context (Kiss 2008). Intercultural relations can be taken place when individuals influenced by different cultural societies exchange shared meanings in communication. Yet, intercultural relations can be formed of different nationalities, different ethnic and even different religion, as well as communication among individuals of different sexual orientation. However, communicating and exchanging values within different culture of individuals is complex as communication process is apparently complicated involving cognitive process, cultural background, individual’s linguistic capability and even biological process. Stienfatt and Roger 1999, claims that one of the most illuminating aspects of intercultural communication is that it opens our minds to the interplay of varied influenced. The world these days is facing great challenges of an increasingly diverse in cultures. Interaction and exchanging values between individuals from different cultures can lead to a whole host of benefits, for instance establishing good relationships within society and healthier communities. Yet, culture allows individuals to connect in small communities to larger communities through exchanged experiences and values (Lull 1995). Intercultural relations assist students step back from their characteristic point of view of seeing the world and demonstrates the influences that have constructed the ways of viewing this world. Cited in Stienfatt and Roger 1999, Gitlin 1995 indicated the concept of people thinking that human think within the intellectual and cultural currents that surround them. Back into the last decade, invasion; colonialization; and warfare brought individuals among countries with divergent cultures into face-to-face contact. An improvement of technologies in communication and rapidly evolving the transportation has changed the way individuals interact and communicate with each other in terms of intercultural relations and communication. However, people from different cultures are usually representative of divergent norms and psychological elements. The crusade explored that communication through various cultures occurred among individuals by human nature. Jerusalem is one of great examples cities in Middle East where people in different cultures and religions; Muslims; Christian; and Jews living together in relative peacefulness and harmoniousness. After the fall of the Roman Empire, Jerusalem indicated that communication effectiveness among divergent cultures and religions are not relying on the study of intercultural relations. Nevertheless, cited in Yinyan 2013, Y. Y. Kim (1988) argued that person who wishes to accomplish an effective intercultural interaction in terms of intercultural relations must be equipped with skills and abilities to be capable and deal with dynamics of cultural diversity. Yet, cite in Sydney morning herald article, Munro (2009) had explored the experiences of an Australian diplomat who worked in Jakarta decided to resign from her workplace due to the strict rules of international diplomacy. The purpose of this essay is demonstrated the necessity of intercultural relations for human being and discuss the terms of intercultural. People are socialized in their own culture and also different in cultures are different norms. An effectiveness communication in intercultural relations can occur by human being in every generation as indicated in our predecessors in Crusades which is people should be culturally sensitive.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Violence in Wuthering Heights Essay Example for Free

Violence in Wuthering Heights Essay Violence 1: Mr. Lockwood has a bad introduction to Wuthering Heights when the dogs attack him. Heathcliff warns him that they are not pets, but when Heathcliff leaves the room, Mr. Lockwood makes faces at them. When the dogs attack, Heathcliff does not hurry to help him. It is the maid who finally comes to his aid. Mr. Lockwood is not used to such treatment, and he tells Heathcliff that if hed been bitten, he would have responded by hitting the dog. After just a few moments in the house, Mr. Lockwood is moved to contemplate violence. Chapter 2 Violence 2: The snow is deep on the moors, but Heathcliff will not give Mr. Lockwood a guide home, nor does he want to let him stay at the Heights. Exasperated, Mr. Lockwood grabs Josephs lantern and decides to try and get home himself. Joseph does not care that Mr. Lockwood said he would return the lantern, and he sends his dogs to attack him. The dogs do not hurt him, but the trouble gives Mr. Lockwood a nosebleed, and the dogs do not let him alone. Heathcliff laughed at this, and only Zillah, the housemaid, came to his aid. Chapter 3 Violence 3: In Mr. Lockwoods dream, he and Joseph must listen to a preacher moralize about hundreds of sins. When Mr. Lockwood stands up to expose the preacher as a sinner himself, the preacher has the congregation attack him. Everyone, including Joseph, start to attack him with pilgrim sticks, which are meant to aid pilgrims on their travels to holy places. Violence 4: When the ghost will not let go of Mr. Lockwood, he hurts it, even though it is a child. He drags her arm on the broken glass, and the blood flows onto the bed. Later Mr. Lockwood nearly witnesses a violent attack against another Catherine. When Mrs. Heathcliff mouths off to her father-in-law, Mr. Lockwood sees her shrink back as though she expects him to hit her. It seems obvious that Heathcliff has hit her before, and he is only holding back because of Mr. Lockwoods presence. Chapter 4 Violence 5: Nelly tells Mr. Lockwood a story from Heathcliffs childhood. Mr. Earnshaw had favored him, and he was able to get whatever he wanted. When Mr. Earnshaw gave each boy a horse, Heathcliff insisted on having the prettier one. When this one got hurt, Heathcliff tried to take Hindleys horse. Heathcliff threatened to tell father about all the times Hindley beat him, and in retaliation, Hindley hit him. Heathcliff seems to want Hindley to hit him, so he will have something to hold against him. Hindley complies, hitting Heathcliff with an iron weight. He tells him to take his horse, and he hopes it kicks him.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Networking Design And Development

Networking Design And Development Every system developed or task that had been carried out needs a framework or method to follow as guideline in order to make sure of success implementation. Guideline of structured framework can help to manage and plan projects, to reduce the difficulties like failure to meet requirements, low quality, high operation cost, not meeting the estimated time, inefficient work, and expensive maintenance. In networking, the entire concept of designing a network is simplified through the use of planned or structured design methodologies. Structured design methodology is a set of distinct steps that help to guarantee that all of the essential tasks in the network design process are accomplished. In this presentation report, we were concentrating on three major topics on development and implementation framework; System development Life cycle (SDLC), PDIOO (acronym of Planning, Design, Implementation, Operation and Optimization) and PPDIOO (enhanced version of PDIOO). System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) The Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is framework that describes the activities executed at each stage of a software development project. It is also a theoretical model used in project administration that describes the phases involved in an information system development project from an initial possibility study through maintenance of the completed application. System life cycle models describe phases of the system cycle, Figure 1 and the order in which those phases are executed. There are different phases for SDLC and the following are the main phases of it. Figure SDLC Cycle Phases of SDLC model Project planning phase During this phase, resources will be acknowledged and cost will be estimated in order to succeed project objectives. Project planning is process of defining methods, scope, length and work for completion of a project. Requirements Definition phase Under this phase, the projects goal is determined and the functions are brought to focus. Gathering of information and analysis of the users requirement is also done in this phase. Design phase A sample structure of the entire project is created in this phase and all necessary data are gathered. This is where everything is put together and the actual design of the system is done. This is also where documentation such as the Maintenance Manual, Operations Manual, and Training Manual begin. This is also where some of the flaws in the original planning may appear and require some adjustment. Again, there is documentation and approval. Development phase The system is built. The software, hardware, and testing occur during the Development Stage. This is also the phase where the bugs are worked out of the system. Integration and Test phase This is the formal integration and testing of the system. Testing has been done on the development phase, but in the Integration and Testing Phase it is a formal, documented testing procedure, not only to assure that the system performs as designed, but testing the roll-out of the system. Installation and Acceptance phase After completing the testing phase, the completed system should be installed at the end user sites. Users will accept the system after all errors and bugs captured during the previous phases have been modified and repaired. SDLC Models There are various SDLC methodologies, Figure 2, have been developed to guide the processes involved including the waterfall model (the original SDLC method), rapid application development (RAD), prototype model, spiral model and many other models. Some models work better for specific types of projects, but in the final analysis, the most important factor for the success of a project may be how closely particular plan was followed. The image down shows some of SDLC models: Figure SDLC discussed in this report Waterfall Model Waterfall Model is the most common and classic of life cycle models, also referred to as a linear-sequential life cycle model. It is very simple to understand and use. In a waterfall model, Figure 3, each phase must be completed in its entirety before the next phase can begin. At the end of each phase, a review takes place to determine if the project is on the right path and whether or not to continue or discard the project. (Priya, 2008) Figure SDLC, Waterfall Model Phases of Process Requirements defines needed information, function, behaviour, performance and interfaces. Design data structures, software architecture, interface representations, algorithmic details. Implementation source code, database, user documentation, testing. Verification (testing): Brings all the pieces together into a special testing environment, then checks for errors and bugs. Maintenance System changed to reflect changing conditions. Advantages This model is very simple and easy to use and easy to manage due to the rigidity of the model each phase has specific deliverables and a review process. Phases are processed and completed one at a time. It works well for smaller projects where requirements are very well understood. (Priya, 2008) Disadvantages If there any adjustment scope during the life cycle can kill a project progress. No working software/product is produced until late during the life cycle. It has high amounts of risk and uncertainty. As far as the development concern, it is a poor model for complex and object-oriented projects. It is not suitable for long and on-going projects where requirements are at a moderate to high risk of changing. When to use the Waterfall Model It is going to be used when project requests are very well known and understandable. The product definition is stable and the technology is understood Figure SDLC, Prototype Model Prototype Figure 4 shows a Prototype Model. In this model, once the requirement analysis is done and the design for a prototype is made, the development process gets started. Once the prototype is created, it is given to the user for evaluation. The customer tests the package and gives his feed back to the developer who refines the product according to the customers exact expectation. Advantages Customers can see the system requirements as they are being gathered. The developers can learn from the customers. It proper to a more accurate end product and there will no unexpected requirements accommodated where it allows for flexible design and development. Disadvantages It has bad status for quick-and-dirty methods. The customer may want the prototype delivered. At the end of it, the process may continue forever. When to use the prototype Model When requirements are unstable or have to be clarified. And other thing, where project has to deal with development of user interfaces when it needs a short-lived demonstrations with information for the analysis and design portions of object-oriented development required to be presented. Spiral Cycle Model In the spiral cycle model, Figure 5, the concept is more on risk analysis. The spiral model has four phases which are Planning, Risk Analysis, Engineering and Evaluation. Requirements are gathered during the planning phase. In the risk analysis phase, a process is undertaken to identify risk and alternate solutions. A prototype is produced at the end of the risk analysis phase. Figure SDLC, Spiral Cycle Model Advantages It has a high amount of risk analysis which that kind of information is very useful to the project. Good for huge and mission-critical projects. Lastly, in software development, the product will be created early in the software life cycle. Disadvantages It can be an overpriced model to use and risk analysis requires highly specific expertise. The Projects success is highly hooked on on the risk analysis phase and it doesnt work well for smaller projects. When to use the Spiral Model When costs and risk evaluation is important and it is good for medium to high-risk projects. Spiral model is the best when users are unsure of their needs and requirements are complex. If dealing with a new product line, it significant changes are expected and the model ready to deal with it. Incremental Model The incremental model is a natural approach to the waterfall model. Figure 6 shows multiple development cycles take place, making the life cycle a multi-waterfall cycle. Cycles are divided up into smaller, more easily managed iterations. Each iteration passes through the requirements, design, implementation and testing phases. Figure SDLC, Incremental Model Advantages It generates working software quickly and early during the software life cycle. It provides more flexible less costly to change scope and requirements. And it is easier to test and debug during a smaller iteration. Furthermore, it is easier to manage risk because risky pieces are identified and handled during its iteration. Customer can respond to each build with lowers initial delivery cost. Initial product delivery is faster but the customers will get important functionality early. At last the risk of changing requirements is reduced. Disadvantages It requires a good planning and design and early definition of a complete and fully functional system to allow for the definition of increments. Sometimes, well-defined module interfaces are required (some will be developed long before others). Not forgotten, total cost of the complete system is not lower. When to use the Incremental Model Risk, funding, schedule, program complexity, or need for early realization of benefits. Most of the requirements are known up-front but are expected to evolve over time. This model needs to get basic functionality to the market early. It suitable on projects which have lengthy development schedules or a project with a new technology PDIOO Network Life Cycle Cisco uses a methodology known as PDIOO as part of designing networks ( Lamml Barkl, 2003). PDIOO is an acronym that describes some of the major elements in a network design process, namely: Planning Design Implementation Operation Optimization Figure PDIOO (Oppenheimer, 2004) But then cisco come out with a new enhanced concept called PPDIOO where the first P refers to PREPARE. In this paper, part of the phases in PDIOO is going to be explained in PPDIOO phases. PPDIOO Network Life Cycle PPDIOO is the improved PDIOO methodology composed by six (6) phases closely related to PDIOO rather than has one additional phase that is required by real life business of a company. Prepare Planning Design Implementation Operation Optimization Figure PDIOO (Oppenheimer, 2004) PPDIOO service lifecycle allows network design engineers and network planners to better manage large network installations. Cisco created this methodology to allow network engineers to better plan and meet business objectives. Why PPDIOO Model? The methodology created to reduce the total cost of network ownership while the company or organization adds some new technologies or upgrade the existing network (Semperboni, 2009). Increasing availability, Downtime can badly affect income and can reduce profitability through costs associated with the network staff having to troubleshoot and function in a reactive mode (Semperboni, 2009). To surge availability request to carefully planned redundancy, sound security, and scalability and also requires carefulness throughout the network lifecycle. To Improving business agility can be described as an organizations ability to respond rapidly to changing business or market conditions and adapt to the changing demands of its customers and the business environment Access speed: Speeding access to applications and services helps enable business agility. Availability targets are influenced by business goals. Targets are established early in the network lifecycle and achieved throughout it: a smooth, well-planned deployment helps minimize risk of downtime, and sound planning for day-to-day operations helps speed problem resolution. (Semperboni, 2009) Life Cycle Phases: The network design methodology composed by six phases (Cisco, 2008), Figure 9, closely related: prepare, plan, design, implement, operate, optimize. In this section we give you more details of each of the phases. Figure PPDIOO phases Prepare Business agility starts with preparation. The preparation phase is the discovery process to understand the business requirements gathering to build a business case and financial motivation to support the implementation of new technology (CiscoSystem, 2004). By expecting future needs and developing both a technology strategy and a high-level architecture to meet those needs (Cisco, 2008). In this phase we should know about: Business requirement development Consider and document the business requirements for end-user service delivery that support the technology investment. Business requirements development can help to: Make sound financial decisions by developing a business case that establishes the financial justification for making a technology change Establish a basis for developing a technology strategy Technology strategy development Analyse your business and service requirements and identify the Cisco advanced technologies that support them. Document a technology strategy. Technology strategy development can help to: Improve efficiency throughout the solution lifecycle by aligning your technology strategy to your business goals Meet end-user service-delivery requirements by identifying which advanced technologies can create a solution that can support them Operation Technology strategy development Create an operational strategy that defines the people, processes, and tools required to support the operations and management of the technology solution. Operations technology development can help to: Achieve business goals by aligning your operations strategy with your business and technical requirements Reduce on-going network operations costs by identifying the operational requirements for supporting the operation and management of the technology solution High Level Design Development Create a high-level conceptual architecture of your proposed system that addresses business and technical requirements and creates the foundation for system deployment. Include specifications for availability, capacity, and security to meet service requirements. High-level design development can help you to reduce rework during the design phase by identifying and validating required technologies and features early in the solution lifecycle. Business Case Development Prepare and present an executive-level business case that details the business and financial justification for migrating to the new technology solution. Include a detailed financial analysis, including capital and operational expenses, cost-to-benefit analysis, and projected return on investment. Business case development can help in make sound financial decisions by demonstrating: That the technology investment supports your business goals and high-level design The cost-to-benefit ratios of both adopting and not adopting the proposed solution Return on investment based on multiple investment criteria such as net payback period and internal rate of return Proof Concept Develop and conduct a proof-of-concept test to validate the high-level design. Identify design enhancements necessary to meet business and technical requirements. Proof of concept testing can help you reduce costly rework and project delays by identifying design enhancements necessary to meet your business and technical requirements before proceeding to detailed design Plan The network requirements are what you need to identify in the planning phase. (CiscoSystem, 2004). Important considerations for this phase include determining exactly where you plan to install the network, its objectives, and the types of services it will provide and to whom, etc. in this phase the existing network tests its network for security implementation or security vulnerability to ensure it will be able to assist with intruders and outside networks . In this phase the most important things is to ensure that the existing environment is carefully analysed before going to design phase. Development Project Management Provide for one or more project managers or program managers to manage the planning, design, and implementation of your deployment project. Develop and implement a project management plan, manage information and resources, and control change. Deployment project management can help to: Reduce risks by using proven project management methodologies and risk mitigation strategies Resolve problems quickly by managing information, facilitating collaboration, and escalating issues promptly and effectively Keep the project on track by managing and controlling change throughout the project lifecycle. System Readiness Assessment Prepare for your technology solution deployment by assessing the readiness of your existing system infrastructure to support a new technology. Analyse the physical and logical configuration of the network, systems availability, and systems capacity, quality of service, systems resiliency, security, and integration with existing platforms. Identify network and application modifications that should be made prior to implementation. Systems readiness assessment can help to: Improve the return on investment and speed migration by identifying and planning for necessary infrastructure changes as well as resources Reduce deployment costs by analysing gaps early in the planning process to determine what is needed to support the system Improve productivity by identifying and resolving gaps in service-level requirements associated with availability, capacity, and security specifications. Site Readiness Assessment Prepare for your technology solution deployment with a comprehensive site assessment that evaluates the readiness of your current facilities infrastructure to support the new technology. Identify any physical, environmental, and electrical modifications that should be made prior to implementation. Site readiness assessment can help to: Reduce deployment costs and delays by identifying facilities preparation requirements early in the planning process Reduce the risk of downtime caused by facilities-related problems. Operation Readiness Assessment Prepare for your technology solution deployment with a comprehensive operations assessment that evaluates the readiness of your current operations and network management infrastructure to support the new technology. Identify any changes to people, processes, and tools that should be made prior to implementation. Operations readiness assessment can help in: Effectively plan and budget for technology expenditures by gauging operational preparedness and ability to support current and planned network technologies and services Avoid downtime by enhancing readiness to operate and manage technologies and services Reduce network operations costs by identifying the operational changes required to support the operation and management of the technology solution Improve IT staff productivity by identifying high-demand repeatable tasks that can be automated. Security Vulnerability Protect your network from inside and outside intruders by assessing system, application, and network device vulnerabilities. Safely simulate activities typical of attacks on your network, without affecting your network. Recommend changes that should be made to the network to help prevent security breaches and reduce risk of attack. Security vulnerability assessment can help to: Mitigate network security threats by limiting their ability to do damage Reduce the downtime, business disruption, and costs associated with viruses and worms, information theft, application abuse, and denial-of-service attacks Improve the overall security state of the corporate trusted network and the systems and information within it by identifying changes to address vulnerabilities Prevent attacks from external sources and mistakes made by trusted insiders from resulting in security breaches Support regulatory compliance by demonstrating that adequate security measures are in place to protect sensitive information assets. Design In this phase, the network designers should make a design aligned with business goals and technical requirements can improve network performance while supporting high availability, reliability, security, and scalability, according to requirements gathered during the Plan phase (CiscoSystem, 2004). Also by developing detailed design is important to reduce the risk, delay and the total cost of network operation. The design phase can also guide and accelerate successful implementation with a plan to stage, configure, test, and validate network operations. Application Development: Prepare for a new technology deployment by planning and developing custom applications for the technology to support feature and functionality requirements, and to enable the applications to integrate with your existing network infrastructure. Applications development can help to: Reduce risk when integrating a new technology system into your existing infrastructure by using a proven applications development methodology Speed migration by providing a detailed development, integration, and test plan that addresses such elements as customized scripts, reporting, and database design Detailed design development Develop an in-depth, implementation-ready detailed design for your new system. Derive the design from availability, capacity, reliability, security, scalability, and performance specifications that align with your business and technical requirements. Detailed design development can help to: Reduce expensive, time-consuming network redesign by creating a well-engineered design early in the network lifecycle Increase system or solution performance, resiliency, and availability by specifying the correct set of hardware, software releases, and hardware and software features and functionality Improve deployment team and operations staff proficiency by providing continuous knowledge exchange throughout design development Accelerate adoption of new technologies and improve return on investment by integrating your technical requirements and business goals into a detailed design. Staging plan development Develop a step-by-step plan for staging the configuration, implementation, and connectivity testing of the technology system or solution in a controlled environment that emulates, but does not affect, your production network. Staging plan development can help to: Reduce delays and other problems during staging with a detailed plan that addresses staging requirements including physical, electrical, and environmental conditions on the site; network hardware and software; and third-party devices Accelerate staging plan creation by using industry leading practices and staging expertise Operation Implement Plan Development Develop an operations implementation plan detailing the tasks needed to deploy and commission the operations and network management system for the technology to be deployed. Include scheduling of priorities, resources, and responsibilities. Operations implementation plan development can help to: Reduce delays, disruption, and other problems by accurately estimating the time and resources required to implement new operations and network management systems Improve efficiency during the operations implementation phase by creating a plan that covers staging, tools, processes, task owners, configuration, testing, documentation, system user acceptance, and success criteria Staff Plan development Prepare your staff for a new technology deployment by using conventional instructional design methodologies to create a staff plan. Determine the technical activities and tasks required to support the system, measure the ability of functional groups to perform those tasks, and develop a curriculum plan to address skill and knowledge gaps. Staff plan development can help to: Reduce on-going operating costs by identifying proficiency issues that could affect staff productivity and performance Improve training effectiveness by comparing staff performance to industry leading practices and your standard operating procedures and defining a role-based curriculum to close any gaps in skill or knowledge Implement This phase begins, after the Design phase has been approved. In this phase activities are performed to ensure that the network is designed according to the design specifications without any difficulties or weakness. This phase the network will be implemented to ensure that the new infrastructure meet all the business requirements by installing, configuring, integrating, testing, and commissioning all systems Staging In this staging process, it will stage and test your new technology system in a controlled environment that does not affect your live network, as outlined in your predefined staging plan. Staging can help to improve efficiency and reduce costly delays and rework during implementation by identifying and resolving issues. Implementation Install, configure, and integrate the new technology system as specified in your implementation plan. Complete predefined test cases. And need to document all the components, devices, and applications used. Implementation can help to: Successfully deploy the new technology system by following an in-depth, detailed implementation process based on leading practices Realize business and technical goals of the new system by implementing it in accordance with recommendations made in the earlier phases of the lifecycle. Operation Implementation Install, configure, test, and commission the operations and network management system for the technology and deploying in accordance with operations implementation plan. Operations implementation can help to reduce network operating expenses by improving the efficiency of operations processes and tools. Migration Migration can help you to reduce risks such as downtime, delays, and the need for rework by following a thorough, detailed implementation process based on leading practices. System Acceptance testing Perform systems-level acceptance testing: objectively measure operability and functionality of the system you are deploying to verify that it meets your business and technical requirements and is ready for production. Document the test results. Systems acceptance testing can help you to speed migration; accelerate return on investment; and reduce unnecessary risk, including disruption, delays, rework, and other problems. These benefits are achieved by demonstrating that your newly deployed system or solution meets the operational, functional, and interface requirements defined in the system acceptance test plan. Business Readiness testing Test the readiness of existing network to support end-to-end business processes, including operations, management, and security processes, as outlined in business readiness test plan. Business readiness testing can help to reduce risk of downtime by testing your production networks operations and management business processes. Staff Training Staff training concerning managing or implementing development plan for workers skill and competency in the organisation. It is includes scheduling classes, creating the enrolment process, providing course materials, and managing training vendors. Staff training can help to: Increase overall productivity and reduce on-going operating costs through training designed to close the skill gaps that were identified in developing your staff plan Reduce downtime through expedited case handling and reduced mean time to resolution through training targeted to improve operational knowledge Improve training efficiency and effectiveness by applying the ideal combination of training methods and tools as needed to close skill gaps. Operate This phase is the last test of the effectiveness of the design before going to last phase. During this phase the operation team monitors the health of the network to improve service quality; reduce disruptions; mitigate outages; and maintain high availability, reliability, and security. This phase could be the longest phase in the network development life cycle to ensure that the infrastructure is well designed during all previous phases. System monitoring In this task, it will monitor, manage, and report on service-level metrics and abnormal events or trends that might adversely affect the availability, capacity, performance, and security of your system. Systems monitoring can help to: Improve service quality and reduce disruptions and outages by proactively monitoring system health Remediate system availability issues by tracking and assessing capacity, performance, utilization, and other service-level metrics. Incident management Manage and resolve real-time incidents with system components using an incident management process that creates and maintains a report of the status of an incident from isolation to closure. Incident management can help to: Restore normal service operation quickly by providing an in-depth incident management process that includes case management, investigation, and diagnosis; hardware and software replacement or updates; and service restoration, testing, and verification Reduce incident rates and increase network and/or application availability, reliability, and stability by providing software updates and upgrades as an on-going part of your network operations Problem management Manage and resolve recurring incidents using an in-depth problem management process that analyses incident trends to identify patterns and systemic conditions. Problem management can help you to reduce the risk of downtime and increase network and/or application availability, reliability, and stability. It delivers these benefits by analysing the root cause of recurring incidents and

Private Schools vs. Public Schools :: Education Religious Schools Teaching Essays

In a recent report, a little over six million students were enrolled in a private school during the year 2003- 2004. That is roughly 11.5% of all students enrolled in schools. But how do parents decide which private school is the best for their child? Parents consider many factors when choosing the right private school. They look at many factors such as the type of private school, class settings, academic curriculum, administration, accreditation and vouchers. There are many different types of private schools. The most common private schools are Catholic, Religious Affiliated and non-sectarian. According to a report by the Private School Universe Survey of the school year 1999-2000, 48.6% of private school students attended Catholic private schools, 15.7% attended religious affiliated private schools and 15% attended nonsectarian.[1] Catholic private schools have greater diversity and larger enrollment than any other type of private school. [2] 85% of all private schools are affiliated with religious organizations.[3] According to the National Center for Education Statistics, â€Å"†¦in 1993-94, about one-quarter were Seventh-Day Adventist; 15 percent, Missouri Synod Lutheran; 10 percent, Episcopal; about 6 percent, Hebrew Day; 8 percent other Jewish; and the remainder, other religious groups.†[4] Religious affiliated schools can be found all over the United States. The main goal of religious schools is to implement religion in students’ studies. Nonsectarian schools are not affiliated with any religion. In contrast with religious schools, nonsectarian schools generally emphasize development or moral character in their studies than the study of religion.[5] There are also specialized private schools that focus on a general interest which makes someone’s decision about a private school easier. A private school that focuses on a certain skill is called a trade or vocational school. These schools would be beneficial to students who already know what major they would like to pursue in the future. A trade/vocational school would be placed under a nonsectarian private school. Reducing class size improves student achievement.[6] When students are in smaller class sizes the teacher is able to have more control over her class. The children receive more individualized attention from the teacher when the student- teacher ratio is less. The teachers can also identify learning disabilities sooner and engage family participation within the child’s education.[7] In a study conducted in 1985, The Tennessee Student/ Teacher Achievement Ratio, the state randomly selected students in grades kindergarten through third and assigned them to small classes; 13-17 students, and regular classes; 22-28 students.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Frank Lloyd Wright Essay examples -- Essays Papers

Frank Lloyd Wright â€Å".......having a good start not only do I fully intend to be the greatest architect who has yet lived, but fully intend to be the greatest architect who will ever live. Yes, I intend to be the greatest architect of all time.† - Frank Lloyd Wright 1867-1959 CHILDHOOD Born in Richland Center, in southwestern Wisconsin, on June 8, 1867 (sometimes reported as 1869), Frank Lincoln Wright, who changed his own middle name to Lloyd, was raised under the influence of a Welsh heritage. The Lloyd-Jones family, his mother’s side of the family, had a great influence on Wright throughout his life. The family was Unitarian in faith and lived close to each other. Major emphasis within the Lloyd-Jones family included education, religion, and nature. Wright’s family spent many evenings listening to William Lincoln Wright read the works of Emerson, Thoreau, and Blake. His aunts Nell and Jane opened a school of their own, pressing the philosophies of the German educator, Froebel. Wright was brought up in a comfortable, but certainly not warm household. His father, William Carey Wright, who worked as a preacher and a musician, moved from job to another, dragging his family across the United States. Possibly as a result of this upheaval, Wrightâ€℠¢s parents divorced when while he was still young. His mother, Anna, relied heavily upon her many brothers, sisters and uncles, and Wright was intellectually guided by his aunts and his mother. Before Wright was even born, his mother had decided that her son was gong to be a great architect. Using Froebel’s geometric blocks to entertain and educate her son, Mrs. Wright must have struck the genius that her son possessed. Use of imagination was encouraged and Wright was given free run of the playroom filled with paste, paper, and cardboard. On the door were the words, SANCTUM SANCTORUM (Latin for place of inviolable privacy). Wright was seen as a dreamy and sensitive child, and cases of him running away while working on the farmlands with his uncles were noted. This pattern of running away from one thing or another continued throughout his lifetime. WRIGHT’S FIRST BREAK In 1887, at the age of twenty, Frank Lloyd Wright moved to Chicago. During the late nineteenth century, Chicago was a booming, crazy place. With an education in engineering from the University of Wisconsin, Wright found a job as a d... .../snail shell design that seems to grow out of the ground in the heart of New York City. The huge skylight provides light for the entire museum. The design allows people to see the art in a continuous manner. Visitors are intended to take an elevator to the top and walk all the way down, viewing all the exhibits as they descend. Today, after an exhaustive competition, a second building is attached to the museum, providing even more display space. The winning design is a simple, thin tower that is designed not to distract from the beautiful spiral. In true Wright fashion, the architect stated that he did not want to disturb nature, giving the museum its own place in the environment. Wright never retired; he died on April 9, 1959 at the age of ninety-two in Arizona. He was interred at the graveyard at Unity Chapel (which was considered to be his first building) at Taliesin in Wisconsin. In 1985, Olgivanna Wright passed away and one of her wishes was to have Frank Lloyd Wright’s remains cremated and the ashes put next to hers at Taliesin West. After much controversy, this was done. The epitaph at his Wisconsin grave site reads: â€Å"Love of an idea is the love of God.†

Sunday, August 18, 2019

SUMMERTIME AND SPRING RAIN Essay example -- Essays Papers

SUMMERTIME AND SPRING RAIN Upon first sight, it appears that John Sloan’s Spring Rain and Edward Hopper’s Summertime only common characteristic is that they are both oil paintings on canvas. Spring Rain, from the school of Impressionistic art, was painted in 1912. Summertime, which possesses a simplified, schematic style, was created over thirty years later, in 1943. Therefore, there are extreme differences in the two artists’ technique and style. However, despite these differences, the two painters’ works embody the same theme: They are both scenes of urban realism characterized by isolation and loneliness. John Sloan’s painting depicts a dismal view of municipal life. The painting’s gloominess is achieved most effectively through Sloan’s use of color. He uses deep shades of purple with the contrasting color green in the background. This color scheme provides an eerie fog throughout the painting. The woman’s clothing also accentuates the dark tone of Spring Rain. She is dressed entirely in black. This signifies that her personality is somber and perhaps conservative. However, it is interesting that the woman is wearing red stockings. The fact that Sloan chose such a bold color suggests that he wished to show a slightly daring side of the woman’s personality. Hopper, on the other hand, uses a much lighter color scheme. However, the lightness does not diminish the painting’s melancholy mood. Light gray, seen in the building’s face and the sidewalk...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

An Example of Successful Change Essay

Introduction Why is Wal-Mart so Successful? Is it Good Strategy or Good Strategy Implementation? In 1962, when Sam Walton opened the first Wal-Mart store in Rogers, Arkansas, no one could have ever predicted the enormous success this small-town merchant would have. Sam Walton’s talent for discount retailing not only made Wal-Mart the world’s largest retailer, but also the world’s number one retailer in sales. Sam Walton has made certain changes that help Wal-Mart to achieve its success today. His change techniques involve changing people, technology, and product. Indeed, Wal-Mart was named â€Å"Retailer of the Decade† by Discount Store News in 1989, and on several occasions has been included in Fortune’s list of the â€Å"10 most admired corporations.† Changing People Wal-Mart is successful not only because it makes sound strategic management decisions, but also for its innovative implementation of those strategic decisions. In order to become a superstore, Wal-Mart decided to change the skill level of its workforce. Walton’s greatest accomplishment was his ability to empower, enrich, and train his employees. He believed in listening to employees and challenging them to come up with ideas and suggestions to make the company better. At each of the Wal-Mart stores, signs are displayed which read, â€Å"Our People Make the Difference.† Associates regularly make suggestions for cutting costs through their â€Å"Yes We Can Sam† program. The sum of the savings generated by the associates actually paid for the construction of a new store in Texas. One of Wal-Mart’s goals was to provide its employees with the appropriate tools to do their jobs efficiently. The technology was not used as a means of replacing existing employees, but to provide them with a means to succeed in the retail market (Thompson and Strickland 93). Changing Product Wal-Mart stores operate according to their â€Å"Everyday Low Price† philosophy. They provide customers access to quality goods, to make these goods available when and where customers want them, to develop a cost structure that enables competitive pricing, and to build and maintain a reputation for absolute trustworthiness (Evan, Shulman, and Stalk, 55). Through Sam Walton’s â€Å"Buy America† policy, Wal-Mart encourages its buyers and merchandise managers to stock stores with American-made products. In a 1993 annual report management stated the â€Å"program demonstrates a long-standing Wal-Mart commitment to our customers that we will buy American-made products whenever we can if those products deliver the same quality and affordability as their foreign-made counterparts† (Thompson & Strickland 68). With a variety of product and low cost, Wal-Mart has attracted more consumers. Changing Technology Wal-Mart has invested heavily in its unique cross-docking inventory system. Cross docking has enabled Wal-Mart to achieve economies of scale which reduces its costs of sales. With this system, goods are continuously delivered to stores within 48 hours and often without having to inventory them. Lower prices also eliminate the expense of frequent sales promotions and sales are more predictable. Cross docking gives the individual managers more control at the store level. A company owned transportation system also assists Wal-Mart in shipping goods from warehouse to store in less than 48 hours. This allows Wal-Mart to replenish the shelves 4 times faster than its competition. Wal-Mart owns the largest and most sophisticated computer system in the private sector. It uses a massively parallel processor computer system to track stock and movement which keeps it abreast of fast changes in the market (Daugherty 24). Information related to sales and inventory is disseminated via its advanced satellite communications system. Conclusion Sam Walton, a leader with an innovative vision, started his own company and made it into the leader in discount retailing that it is today. Through his savvy, and sometimes unusual, business practices, he and his associates led the company forward for thirty years. Today the company is still growing steadily. Wal-Mart executives continue to rely on many of the traditional goals and philosophies that Sam’s legacy left behind, while simultaneously keeping one step ahead of the ever-changing technology and methods of today’s fast-paced business environment. The future also looks bright for Wal-Mart, especially if it is able to continue its customer-driven culture, it should remain a retail industry leader well into the next century.

Friday, August 16, 2019

So Much to Tell You – John Marsden

So Much to Tell You by John Marsden, explores the struggle that the protagonist, Marina, endures along her journey to mental wholeness. Marina’s soul has been shattered due to a traumatic event, and being witness to a large amount of violence and hatred in her family. So Much To Tell You is rich in techniques that are used effectively to convey the idea of Marina’s struggle, and journey towards mental wholeness. Marina’s difficulty in achieving psychological completion is shown through the major technique, structural contrast.We follow Marina’s personal journey and her healing throughout the novel, and we watch as she develops from an introverted, mistrustful person into someone who is able to appropriately communicate with other individuals. Marina uses a tone of self-loathing to show us that she views herself as a â€Å"nutcase†, psycho† and â€Å"the freak of Warrington† who suffers from â€Å"anorexia of speech†. Marina is se nt to Warrington Boarding School â€Å"to learn to speak again, because [her] mother can’t stand [her] silent presence at home†.At first Marina is isolated and detached from the rest of the school, shown through the retreat imagery of Marina as she â€Å"slinks along the walls and corridors†. As the novel progresses, Marina’s entries suggest that she is becoming more in touch with her peers, and â€Å"moving round the school more confidently†. Her visit to Mr Lindells house over the weekend is a very significant event in Marina’s transformation. Throughout the weekend she becomes more expressive, expressed through her tone of excitement in the phrase â€Å"it was good!And they’re so nice! Nice, nice, nice†! Here, the use of exclamation and the repetition of the word, ‘nice’ emphasise Marina’s positive involvement in life. This is contrasted with Marina being a passive spectator during school tennis, and life in general. Towards the end of the novel Marina chooses on her own accord to return to Warrington, and reaches out to Mr Lindell to help her, a drastic change from the beginning of the novel where she didn’t interact with anyone at all.In the early stages of the novel, the struggle and difficulty of repairing Marina’s psyche due to damage and conflict within her family, and Marina’s journey towards mental health, is conveyed through the composer’s effective manipulation of fragmentation imagery. Perhaps the most prominent examples of fragmentation imagery would be Ann Maltin’s â€Å"spangled star doona cover†. Ann tells Marina the â€Å"the stars do fit together, but it took [her] years to figure it out†. This is a metaphor for Marina’s damaged psyche, and it foreshadows her psychological wholeness.Her psyche will fit together again; she just has to give it time to heal. Marina also explains the she likes ‘the word †Å"coalesce†, though when [she] looks at it for a long time it seems strange and ugly†. This is how Marina views herself, a jumble of â€Å"strange and ugly† fragments that need to â€Å"coalesce† in order to become one healed psyche. She also writes about the way the pool is when there is nobody there â€Å"then the first girl jumps or dives in – and it all cracks†. This demonstrates how fragile Marina’s psyche is; it could shatter at any time. Ann Maltin also â€Å"had a ceramic piece†¦ on the cupboard beside her bed.It was a big bird, an eagle†. Whilst â€Å"vacuuming the dorm† Marina accidentally knocks the bird of its stand, and it promptly shatters on the floor. Even after Ann has glued it back together, she â€Å"can still see the cracks. [She] will always see them. This indicates that Marina will heal, but she will never be exactly the same person as she was before the incident, and she will always be scarred from the traumatic event. John Marsden has greatly emphasised the importance of Marina repairing her damaged psyche through the use of metaphors, foreshadowing, and fragmentation imagery.Symbolism and figurative devices are also used effectively by John Marsden to evoke the idea of Marina’s need for retreat or refuge from the difficulties of reality, prior to her significant journey to wholeness. For Marina, the chapel at her school symbolises a sanctuary. â€Å"Churches [are] safe places, where you [can] hide†, Marina sits by herself in her dark corner and writes in her journal, it is where she can think about her life, and her father. She feels protected in the chapel, and in the school generally too.This is shown through the use of similes in the phrase â€Å"in the hospital [she] felt exposed under the white light, here [she] feels like a black snail†. This contrasts between the white exposure of the hospital, and the black refuge of the school. Similes, ret reat imagery, and symbolisation are used dextrously throughout So Much To Tell You to demonstrate Marina’s difficult journey to wholeness. John Marsden dextrously uses effective techniques throughout So Much To Tell You to explore the concept of struggle and wholeness, demonstrated by the protagonist, Marina.We learn about Marina’s personal struggle to become whole again after the tragic events that have occurred prior to the beginning of the novel. We see this through the contrast of Marina’s character between the beginning of the novel and the end of the novel, the extensive use of fragmentation imagery, and the retreat imagery, that is used to convey Marina’s struggle. We trace her traumatic personal journey, difficulties and mental healing throughout the novel, on an emotional rollercoaster that is Marina’s life.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Game theory in setting quantity oligopoly Essay

           Game theory is a formal study of conflict and cooperation in economics. In fact, it is usually concerned with predicting the real outcome of the games of strategy where the potential individuals have incomplete awareness about the others’ plans. The game theoretic concepts usually apply whenever the actions of several agents are interdependent. Probably, these agents are either, groups, individuals or firms. The concepts of game theory give a language to prepare a structure, analyze, and comprehend deliberate scenarios.          Game theory has straight relevance to the study conduct of the venture as well as the performance of the firms in oligopolistic markets. A good approach is the decisions that companies takeover pricing and levels of production. Also, how much money needs to be invested in research and development expenditure (Binmore, 1993).          Oligopoly is a type of imperfectly competitive markets. It has only a few sellers, provide a related or identical product to the buyers in the market. Collusion in economics is simply an agreement of two or more firms with an aim to exclude a couple of competing companies in the market so that may obtain high profits. It is clearly that competition in the oligopolistic markets reduces accelerating the performance of that collusion. For that reason many firms quit the marketing operations enhancing profitability to the relating competitors hence deteriorating their economic decisions. This results to complete dissolution of the firms. The output of the collusion increases since most of the firms have quit the market; others loosen their momentum to adhere to the upcoming changes launched in by the oligopolistic markets (Mertens, 1994). As a matter of fact, this becomes advantageous to the remaining firms in the market (Thomas, 2003).             It is noted that collusion is a characteristic trait of oligopolistic firms. Stiff competition and interdependent decision-making encourage oligopolistic firms to cooperate. In fact, one way to lessen the oligopolistic rival is joined together and meets targeted forces forming collusion. There are two main types of collisions in an oligopolistic market. Exclusively, include explicit collusion and implicit collusion. Explicit collusion is a type of collusion which has more two than firms in the same industry. It is formally agreed to control the market force on their own way whereas implicit collusion also more than two firms in the same business but informally they have the similar outlook in the market, habitually with nothing more than interdependent (Binmore, 1993).The price collusion is a form of criminal offense since several firms work as a team so as to keep the price of commodity high with an aim to receive huge income. The relating firms involved necessar ily try to chase out their competitor. History and impact of game theory          In 19th century, game theory was first discovered by one of the early inventors. Consequently, in 1838, the first publication was done by Antoine Cornet. In broad spectrum, he came up with well-formulated researchers on the Mathematical Principles of this kind of theory basing on wealth. He went further to illustrate more on the principles of the publication relating to the game theory. Notably, he tried to explain the underlying rules constituting the actual behavior of the duopoly in the discipline. Even though this publication was associated with the theory of Games and Economics character in 1944, it had the latest principles of game theory that were formulated in it. The game theory has been greatly applied to the behavior of producers with few or one competitor. This perspective of the game theory was conceived by Von Neumann in 19th century.          In macroeconomics, oligopolistic markets are characterized by a few, large firms and its differences from the other market structures as stated above. It is noted that more competitive markets in the firms are of smaller size and its firm’s behavior have slight or no effect on its close competitors. Besides this oligopoly markets changes its output, enlarge into a new market, provides modern services and even advertize. This will have a consequential impact on the market competitors, therefore, increasing the profitability. This enhances more power in the market operation hence deviating losses had to be encountered. For this reason, the firms in oligopolistic markets are always considering the act of their competitors when implementing their economic decisions. The oligopolistic owners strictly tackle any leakages in their market so that they may attain their set goals and formulated objectives. Information exchange in collusion         In broad spectrum, information is an essential tool in planning to come up with mature and complete mechanization of the involving firms. Basing this argument on the game theory, it is realized that in decision making, information is significantly employed. For that reason, a successful collusion in the oligopoly market has sophisticated means on how to underlie its perspectives in a manner that no rival firm come to know. Therefore, crude ideas empower any collusion with a vision to reduce their competitors in the market. Advances in economic theory have enabled the economists to set competitive distinctions between different types of information exchanged between the firms. The required beneficial effect on the consumers and potential side-effects for competition depend on the nature and characteristic of the information that exchanged and also the type of competition in the market. Therefore, it should be known that firm owns the secret in the industry such as firmâ €™s prices, sales, cost demand and other parameters.According to game theory, the competitors are not supposed to get any of this secretive information. Competition authorities are strictly suspicious when information is conveyed especially about prices and quantities because this information is normally significant for monitoring deviations from collusive arrangements and hence empowering collusion. Mostly exchange of information on the cost and demand is seen in another dimension and more favorably. However, information about the prices and quantities is used to convey information about the cost or demand in collusion. For instance, when the firms share information on the past or current prices and quantities inform other players about the demand in the market. This enables their rivals to obtain inferences on how to predict the future period which is against the game theory. Notably, this will weaken their collusion that later on begins to deteriorate in their existence in th e market. As a matter of fact, demand and cost information is useful since is the central element for predicting future demand.               Effective collusion needs good coordination that is well supported by the exchange of information about their plans. This monitors the performance of the collusion in some days to come. In so doing, their rivals will be unable to out-compete them. They become prominent in the market achieving their set goals and objectives. The aggregated information determines whether the collusion will succeed or not. This depends on how the decision making is done. The aggregated information means anonymous or individualized information. Probably, such information may be valuable to the firms. Therefore, it is necessary to know who or where a certain estimate has been made or whether it is enough to comprehend the private signals in the entire industry. In addition, information can be either private or public. The effects of information exchange extremely differ depending on whether the information is made public or kept private, especially in the industry that exchange inf ormation. The game theory does not support exposure of the firm’s intentions. Definitely, they try it, their rival players will come up with the newest perspectives to out-compete them. Therefore, this should be done privately for future success (Thomas, 2003).          It realized that if the information does not give rise to competition distress it will be definitely positive to welfare. Indeed, the usefulness from information exchange is large compared to its demerits. There are quite number of the ways in which information exchange is useful in the welfare. Information exchange is a great part of the discovery mechanism in the industry economy. This implies that through exchange of information in between the formed collusion encourages expansion of the market economy. It also improves investment decision and organization learning. It is only through information where collusion members come up with complete ideas to uplift their set goals. Information exchange also results to output adjustments and lowering search costs in the firm. In the world, information is really required about the demands and rival activities. Notably, the firms would have to become accustomed to the changing circumstances by a trial and error process. Inform ation exchange is a great tool in playing the role of uplifting market economy in collusion hence output in the firms. Impact of rational behavior in collusion            Rationality is one way of decision-making practice wherein a firm exercises prudent choice making that gives it a maximum amount of benefit. Rational behavior usually facilitates decision making that is not productive in collusion. But it only strives to achieve benefits that are mostly achievable in nature. This usefulness can be either monetary or non-monetary. The word monetary stands for finance activities whereas non-monetary is associated with non-financial activities in a company. Therefore, any successful firm considers the following perspectives. This kind of decision making may not possible return materially to the firms at that moment on (Chatterjee, 2014). Therefore, rational choice theory is an economic principle. It states that firms make prudent and logical decisions so as to attain a complete satisfaction in the firm due to its abundant benefits.            The output of collusion increases over time due to changes made in by the decision makers. The identified plans that based on rational behavior usually alter operation of oligopolistic market. Operations may greatly expand performance of the company undermining its valuable transactions. When the collusion need to uplift its operation have to be economical on the way do operate their activities so that can observe a slight differences. Notably, some measures need to be employed to overcome its competition from its rivals. The firms recruit innovative and competent staffs to invest great fortune in the organization.            Competent economists formulate ideas flourishing functionality of the collusion hence uplifting profits, quantity, and its dignity. This shows how game theory is significantly applied in the oligopolistic market basing on the rational behavior. It is preferably considered as a means of competition through decision making. This scares rival players in the market such that are unable to operate their firms. Due to this condition, many firms in the markets are readily to be dissolved. The cause of this is just continuous losses experienced on every end fiscal year resulting to dissolution.             According to game theory, rational behavior is greatly a crucial tool required to make decisions that are needed to eliminate relating firms in the market. Most importantly, competing firms’ quantity reduces as well as its income accelerates due to well-played game theory in the oligopolistic market. Mainly rationality has a positive impact to the prudent collusion. Therefore, game theory is correlated to rationality behavior as far as decision making is concern in an oligopolistic market as mentioned earlier. Only that rational behavior is conditions suitable for accomplishing this specified theory (Mertens, 1994). Even though, participating firms can employ it, frequently is determined by competency of the collusion. Impact of time horizon in the collusion             In economics, time horizon is also referred to as a planning horizon, is a fixed point of time in the future at which some activities will be evaluated. It is noted that is specified a time when all planned activities or processes are supposed to terminate. Therefore, time horizon is a vital condition to any successful stakeholders. It enhances a strict time layout on how to operate your business transactions before targeted deadline. This minimizes time wastage and considers it as a significant factor in implementing business laws. Actually, the set objectives and underlain goals, with the cooperation of competent experts in business, are easily achieved. Time horizon has optimum benefits to those who put it into consideration.             Collusions have unique pathways on how they operate their organizational activities. Additions to that have business ethics for guiding set goals to reach its financial year and attain them. For a successful collusion, time horizon is much in demand to eradicate other firms out of the market. Especially, it needs strictness so that the set firm’s goal is accomplished on reaching time horizon. It confers bright future to competing firms enhancing increased output in the collusion. Time horizon sharpens performance of the most firms with an aim to make more profits in their organizations. Similarly, time horizon is a beneficial condition on practicing game theory in an oligopolistic market. It creates immense difference in the industry. The time horizon can be a month, a week or a year depending on the decision of the firm (Mertens, 1994).Broadly, time horizon is a viable and secret â€Å"tool† that empowers collusion to diminish performance of its riv als in the industry. Eventually, it becomes determinant condition in collusion leading the business to enjoy huge profits and crude output. Collusion lowers its products’ price encouraging more sales whereas its rivals remain constant to the initial price. Cost is usually lower hence encouraging more sales due to high demand. The collusion stagnates in the same price until time horizon comes. At that planning horizon, several firms would have left the industry enabling collusion with uncompetitive environment to work on (Chatterjee, 2014). Conclusion             In broad spectrum, game theory deals with decision making that reinforce competition perspectives in the market. It is kind of a game whereby participating individuals hide their intentions purposely to win over the other. In this case, information, rationality, and time horizon are determinant conditions that boost succession of collusion in an oligopolistic market. It signifies that to acquire viable benefits in the market has to employ well-formulated conditions.Therefore, cost, demand, and quantity differ from relating firms in the industry. Strictly, collusion tries to lower its prices with an aim to increase its output and eliminate the number of firms in the industry. Similarly, quantity in the industry increases with increased prices from other firms. Due to that reason number of consumers in those firms reduces joining newly formed collusion. This enforces rivals to reduce its prices of their products leading to uncountable losses hence leading to collaps ing of many firms. The collusion succeeds its target of eliminating other firms from the industry henceforth starts enjoying oligopolistic benefits including profits. Reference Binmore, K. (1993). Frontiers of game theory. Cambridge, Mass. [u.a.: MIT Press Telser, L. G. (1971). Competition, collusion, and game theory. London: Macmillan. Chatterjee, K., & Samuelson, W. (2014). Game theory and business applications. New York: Springer. Mertens, J.-F., & NATO Advanced Study Institute on ‘Game-Theoretic Methods in Economic Equilibrium Analysis’. (1994). Game theoretic methods in general equilibrium analysis: [proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Game Theoretic Methods in General Equilibrium Analysis, Long Island, NY USA, July 1 – 12, 1991]. Dordrecht [u.a.: Kluwer. Thomas, L. C. (2003). Games, theory and applications.Voigt, S., & Schmidt, A. (2005). Making European merger policy more predictable. Dordrecht: Springer. Source document